Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Wait... what?

Suddenly I typed on the spur of the moment and just out of curiosity. Yeah, for me blogging is long gone what with my reports, school work and pure laziness, who has got the time to actually sit and ramble about their boring life anyways?

Anywho reading back the entries made me laugh a little. A good friend of mine told me a blog is like a personal journal, things you felt then and you wrote about it. I guess he's right, that's why many of my entries are nothing but ramblings. I blogged then because it WAS the in thing to do. Just like Friendster, then myspace and now Facebook. Now I have this tiny urge to continue writing, thus posting this entry... mais ça m'étonnerais si je continue..

Oh well, gotta get back to the real world. I have an exam tomorrow: Gestion d'Energie. Not much to study I heard, but hell I need to pass, wait not just that but get awesome marks or the worst scenario might very well come falling down on me.

Pray, study and be cool. That's how I plan to go through this.

Adieu, for now peut-être.

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