Friday, August 11, 2006

care for some puki?

These pukis are really cute but do not be deceived by these little cunning creatures. They bite! haha.
"Puki" may not mean anything to anyone else except to those who live in Malaysia / Singapore or to those who possibly know malay / manglish / singlish.
Despite the bawdy meaning behind it, this Puki is actually fun to play and has some sort of addiction towards it.
and they even have a story....

"The Problems with Pukis

On a routine mission to Deep Space Station G-7, you pick up a cute, harmless Puki as a pet. Sound familiar? Nah...

Well, hell yeah! hahaha

Following exposure to dangerous Gamma radiation, the Puki began to reproduce rampantly (little wonder about the smile). It also grew a set of sharp teeth and a taste for blood!

As the sole survivor, you must race through the corridors of your ship, and put the little beasts in their place for good. Or something"

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