Ini sume sebab 'La Guerre' tiap2 malam. 'La Guerre' tu menatang ape? maksud die 'Perang' dalam BM. tapi takde la perang dunia ketiga kat sini, but technically it's still war as we played conjointly Command and Conquer: Zero Hour guna LAN (Local Area Network). walaupun dok disconnected je, tapi gigih gak main again n again. Oleh dengan itulah tidur ku terganggu dan kalaupun dah habis main awal (2am), tapi sebab before2 this selalu habis kol 3 hingga 4 pagi, jadi tak dapat gak tidur walaupun nak tidur. haha. whatever. i know i have to be more productive comes August, in which i'll be entering IUT next month... and that reminds me i actually have lots to do... waaa, not gonna talk bout it now cause it's really dispiriting. so, i might as well do something 'productive' now rather than typing all these bunks... like watching Bleach for example! hahaha

1 comment:
haha la guerre va continuer cette nuit...
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