Thursday, June 21, 2007

When there's nothing else to do, there's always a hundred other things to do..

Suddenly I remember that I have a blog! ahah. yeah, so since the exams are over and I'm counting my days to go back home, here I am at 3 o'clock in the morning, updating what need not necessarily be updated.
Anyway, today is 21st June, meaning it's La Fête de La Musique here in Nice and all over La France. This is where musicians, bands, singers, dancers, drummers, saxophonists, guitarists and all those people who play music and also those who enjoy them get together and have fun. but it will not be until tonight. The festival also signifies the end of spring and the start of summer! wee~
It'll be held mostly in the centre ville and a lot in Vieux Nice too. It's really cool coz everytime you walk, you'll see the crowd watching bands performing and hear loud musics. The ambience's really fascinating! hehe, i know la coz i went last year.
Oh, and what makes this year more interesting is that my friends here in Nice, will be performing tonight! haha, how coolness is that! yeah, another reason to look forward to!
Hopefully, i'll remember to update this blog again tonight after the event. now, i need my sleep. toodles~

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