Monday, August 07, 2006

The Pirates say 'Aye'

Last weekend i watched the sequel to the first Pirates Of The Caribbean, The Dead Man's Chest. Yeah, somehow France is so decelerated when it comes to Hollywood movies showing in local cinemas. ..worse, some movies (like Scary Movie 4, and 666 or whatever the name for that movie) were only released in french version. Luckily those are the kind of movies which you don't mind watching em on DVD or cilok from someone who downloaded movies illegally..hehe
but anyway, The Dead Man's Chest wasn't so bad nor was it that fascinating. Maybe i said this because i was extremely hungry as i didn't have time to eat anything before watchin it. The film started reaally slow eventhough i missed the first few minutes of the show. and Keira Knightley was invisible for the first hour of the movie! because the plot has her imprisoned by a corrupt provincial governor who bribes her fiance Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) into capturing pirate Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) and his magic compass (it points the way to riches, or something). What we get instead is a snootfull or Bloom, which is great news if you're a 12-year-old girl.
All infusions of humor and spirit come from the dippy pirate Sparrow; Depp plays him with that slurred and comically bad continental accent, it's funny often as not, but absent any kind of narrative propulsion, his digressions and inventions seem like decoration to disguise what looms as an increasingly obvious and unpleasant fact: The movie is going absolutely nowhere.

As the pirates say... AAAARRRRGGGHH!

All I want to see is Knightley make out with someone, and that doesn't happen until towards the end of the movie.
At least, the computer generated characters aren't so bad, the Kraken - bunch of mutated human: slimy, marine-like, cartilaginous body. They are suppose to be scary but they look daffy at times.

Whatever it is, i'm still gonna watch the third and the last (i think) next year. The Dead Man's Chest is still a fun summer movie to watch.


Anonymous said...

Je suis tout a fait d'accord.. It is a movie not to be missed n i personally have watched it 2 times in the same week..<-- Obsessed.. :p

Anonymous said...

movie yg best, aku pun dah tengok 2 kali :)

Anonymous said...

movie yg best, aku pun dah tengok 2 kali :)

Faris said...

anonymous tu mdpai ke? muehehe