Thursday, August 24, 2006

a thought for the day... well, night actually

Have you ever miss an oppurtinity, a huge one simply because you're stupid enough not to grab the chance while you can? and you are not audacious enough to go for it and somehow on the brink of doing it (whatever that may be), you started to have doubts, and you question yourself? "what if..?" kinda question. 'what if i fail?', 'what if people laugh at me?', 'what if i die?' well, no that one was a bit exaggerated. but anyway these questions will do no good but harm and sorrow.

Seize the oppurtinity when it's right in front of ya nose. when we don't, who else to be blamed but ourselves. Along the way, we'll gonna meet lotsa mr failures and dr misfortunes, but that's ok coz we'll achieve a lot more! sometimes, things we had never imagined possible! there will always be ppl who'll try to imprecate and damn other ppl. the kind of ppl who'll never be happy until they make someone's life miserable., well, f them! haha. stop thinking bout others and start thinking bout urself!

p/s: this chicken soup for the bored soul is specially brought to you by blasé moi~ oh, and dunt worry im not sick!
and by the way, this day in history: Mount Vesuvius erupted and buried the towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum.


Anonymous said...

y knoe....
it's kinda mind buggerin to think of all those ppl tryin to hack other ppl's life but what if we can't help it anyway?
no matter how u think 4 urself but in the end where eventually what u can do is raise ur hands n say..."that's it.i'm doomed"...we just need to let go...or what?
....-lil sis-

Faris said...

well, that brings us to the question - are we strong enuf to endure with these people and situations? evryone is unique and smart in our own way. Afterall, tough things don't last but tough people do!